Using dating sites for casual sex ?
Every so often there comes a time when you just want to use a dating site for casual sex connections. Sex is a need, after all, and who are you to stand in the way of the desires of your flesh? Using dating sites for casual sex makes sense. The costs are low and you can be as up front about what you’re looking for as you’d like. There are some unique considerations when it comes to casual sex on dating sites, though, which should be looked at.
There are more men than women who are using dating sites for casual sex. In the absence of hard numbers, I shall hazard a guess that the ratio is heavily in favor of women who are looking for intimate hookups. This means that guys have an uphill battle. I have friends on both sides of the gender fence that have sought and found casual affairs. It just might take longer to find a match if you’re a guy, so don’t get discouraged if it actually takes a bit of work before something comes of your casual sex-capades on dating sites.
Pick your casual sex-dating site for pleasure and get yourself set up for intimate bliss!
The actual process of finding a casual intimate relationship online can be as simple or difficult as you’d like to make it. It can be just as easy as changing your headline to “Casual Sex Dates Only.” Women are advised to stand well back from their inbox after posting something like that. The onslaught is sure to wow and amaze you. Guys, on the other hand, might find that their general mail slows after throwing up a sign that you’re really after sex. Apparently this whole casual sex thing isn’t as popular with females on dating sites or in life in general. If you would prefer to be a little more sly about it, you can simply enter a less-forward profile and heading in the intimate connections section of your favorite dating site or change your intentions to sex or play from committed relationship or whatever flag it is you’re currently flying. It will also help if you explain yourself a little better in your write up. Add things like why it is you’re looking for a casual sex relationship as opposed to any other. Write about what you’re looking to do, where you’re looking to do it and how you’d like it to be done. Be open and descriptive. It’s the best way to ensure that anyone who does come calling is on the same page as far as casual sex and dating are concerned.
There are many sites on the web that you can go to when looking for lust online. There are the more overt sites such as those found in our sex dating section. Each one specializes in intimate connections but buyers beware. Again, women shouldn’t have a problem, but the ratio of guys to girls here is certainly not in the men’s favor. The other route is to join a regular dating site and troll for options there. Some sites have special sections set up just for the purpose of casual sex dating. Other sites do it a little more discreetly, offering a side note on your profile where you can stipulate whether you’re looking for a serious relationship, a casual dating partner or something a little more intimate in nature. If this is more your style, you can check any of the dating sites listed in the columns on the left. Sign up for free and check out your options. If they have something set aside to suit your needs, you’re bound to see it. Pick your casual sex-dating site for pleasure and get yourself set up for intimate bliss!
Casual sex can suit different people at different stages in their life. It’s not something to feel ashamed about as long as it doesn’t go against your beliefs or the laws that govern a sane and proper society. Enjoy your casual sex adventures to the fullest. After all, it’s all about giving and receiving pleasure, and there are a lot of things in this world that are worse than that!